Wednesday, 12 February 2014


Of course when I first saw this I laughed. The girl's dress looked ridiculous and he was calling her out for it. But he weren't just calling the lady in the picture out, he was calling out all light skinned females. And although his comment was hilarious, it also made me raise an eyebrow. Yes, dark skinned male (whoever you are) you make some hilarious points but you are just a prime example of a dark skinned nigga with an inferiority complex. 

In his head, he's made the assumption that light skinned people have a superiority complex. Hmmm, half true. It's half true because there are many light skinned blacks/lighties who do feel superior/feel better than there black counterparts because of their skin colour, but not all of them though. Because of this assumption, light skinned people tend to get victimised by their dark skinned counterparts and feel like they have done something wrong when in actual reality they haven't. 

Now for dark skinned blacks... 

Dark skinned black people (not all but a good majority) suffer from an inferiority complex. They feel lesser compared to their light skinned counterparts in so many aspects of their lives, especially when it comes to looks. Dark skinned girls show this through jealousy, the typical ' she thinks she's nice coz she's light skinned' and they feel light skinned girls are prettier than them or get more attention. Dark skinned guys show this through their thirst for a ' lightie'. They place them on a high pedestal as the girl they strive for, which in a sense means that they not only place them above other shades of black women, but also above themselves.  Dark skinned guys also show this through taking the piss out of light skinned guys (ahem , drake) they emasculate light guys by calling them 'soft' 'weak'. You as a dark skinned guy may not realise this but that is actually your defence mechanism. That is how you mask your jealousy of light skinned guys because of how pretty they are and coz they actually do get girls (esp when they squint their eyes in selfies lol) you put them down in order to make yourself feel better. but all of this just shows an inferiority complex. (Btw there is no need coz dark guys get girls too, more than light guys I think as well, but yet they still feel inferior? Smh). 

Black people need to get the fuck over this colour complex, like seriously. It's dumb. I'm even wincing at the fact that I have to keep writing light skinned/dark skinned like for fucks sake we are black, can we stop giving each shade of brown a name please? It's getting boring and it's been tired out. Yes, we all know that this problem is down to the 'divide and rule' system slave masters enforced on slaves back in the day. Yes, the psychological effects that that system had is still plaguing us now but for fucks sake when are we gonna actually decide to take action and cure ourselves from this mental illness? (Yes, I said mental illness). 
And the most saddest thing is that this topic is soooooo trivial, like there are sooo many greater problems in our race that we need to fix. Its a petty issue, but it is still something that needs to be called out and rectified so we can focus on the bigger issues at stake. 

P.s. Not ALL light skinned people feel superior, and not all dark skin blacks suffer from an inferiority complex, coz I certainly don't. I don't view black people who are shades lighter than me as competition. I'm confident in myself and in the skin I was put in. I don't watch other people and get upset over trivial things, I focus on myself.

1 comment:

  1. Im clapping and cheering on this type of thinking 💭 It is beautiful to see you empower yourself and others ❤️
