Saturday 11 October 2014


This blog gets quite a lot of traffic due to my 'controversial' posts lol. I'm sure people are wondering why I don't have more? I actually do have more. I posted about a month ago but reverted that one to a draft and was in the middle of writing another but then changed my mind, lol.

I have another topic I may post in the next week or so. This blog is meant to be a place where I post more serious stuff BUT I do have another blog which is more PERSONAL and LIGHTHEARTED and gets updated OFTEN and there are loads of PICTURES of MEE loooool..........


av a look, av a look!!

Wednesday 12 February 2014


Of course when I first saw this I laughed. The girl's dress looked ridiculous and he was calling her out for it. But he weren't just calling the lady in the picture out, he was calling out all light skinned females. And although his comment was hilarious, it also made me raise an eyebrow. Yes, dark skinned male (whoever you are) you make some hilarious points but you are just a prime example of a dark skinned nigga with an inferiority complex. 

In his head, he's made the assumption that light skinned people have a superiority complex. Hmmm, half true. It's half true because there are many light skinned blacks/lighties who do feel superior/feel better than there black counterparts because of their skin colour, but not all of them though. Because of this assumption, light skinned people tend to get victimised by their dark skinned counterparts and feel like they have done something wrong when in actual reality they haven't. 

Now for dark skinned blacks... 

Dark skinned black people (not all but a good majority) suffer from an inferiority complex. They feel lesser compared to their light skinned counterparts in so many aspects of their lives, especially when it comes to looks. Dark skinned girls show this through jealousy, the typical ' she thinks she's nice coz she's light skinned' and they feel light skinned girls are prettier than them or get more attention. Dark skinned guys show this through their thirst for a ' lightie'. They place them on a high pedestal as the girl they strive for, which in a sense means that they not only place them above other shades of black women, but also above themselves.  Dark skinned guys also show this through taking the piss out of light skinned guys (ahem , drake) they emasculate light guys by calling them 'soft' 'weak'. You as a dark skinned guy may not realise this but that is actually your defence mechanism. That is how you mask your jealousy of light skinned guys because of how pretty they are and coz they actually do get girls (esp when they squint their eyes in selfies lol) you put them down in order to make yourself feel better. but all of this just shows an inferiority complex. (Btw there is no need coz dark guys get girls too, more than light guys I think as well, but yet they still feel inferior? Smh). 

Black people need to get the fuck over this colour complex, like seriously. It's dumb. I'm even wincing at the fact that I have to keep writing light skinned/dark skinned like for fucks sake we are black, can we stop giving each shade of brown a name please? It's getting boring and it's been tired out. Yes, we all know that this problem is down to the 'divide and rule' system slave masters enforced on slaves back in the day. Yes, the psychological effects that that system had is still plaguing us now but for fucks sake when are we gonna actually decide to take action and cure ourselves from this mental illness? (Yes, I said mental illness). 
And the most saddest thing is that this topic is soooooo trivial, like there are sooo many greater problems in our race that we need to fix. Its a petty issue, but it is still something that needs to be called out and rectified so we can focus on the bigger issues at stake. 

P.s. Not ALL light skinned people feel superior, and not all dark skin blacks suffer from an inferiority complex, coz I certainly don't. I don't view black people who are shades lighter than me as competition. I'm confident in myself and in the skin I was put in. I don't watch other people and get upset over trivial things, I focus on myself.

Tuesday 10 December 2013


But then I try to be optimistic and see this as perhaps a good thing. Maybe God wants me to stay in solitude in order to find out who I really am, to mediate, to grow. Maybe.

Friday 8 November 2013


I replied a post (on Tumblr) yesterday about this topic but now I feel to elaborate on it more because I’ve had this theory in my head for over a year now and just need to let it out. This is not just a Christian thing, its for people who believe in these kind of things. Whoever reads it, reads it.
Quick thoughts. Rev 13:15 says 
'He was then permitted to give life to this statue so that it could speak. Then the statue of the beast commanded that anyone refusing to worship it must die.’
One must note that there is no human on this earth that can give life to another human being. The only person who breathed life into a human was God. The beast is also described as a ‘statue’. Back in the day it must have seemed crazy, but now as we exist in a very advanced world and society, it makes clear sense. That statue is actually A.I. 
A.I enthusiasts believe in what is called the Singularity; when our world will experience rapid scientific and technological changes. And many of these enthusiasts believe that A.I will be the one to usher in this change. They believe A.I can be used to improve humans, thus us becoming superhuman like and immortal in a sense. And also, they believe in creating A.I that can think and do things on their own.
But this is a sign of the end times. Because if we ever reach this point of Singularity, the whole existence of God will be, in a sense, destroyed. Because we will become the gods, we will become the powerful ones who can preserve their own lives and wewill be the ones that can give life into machines.
It is a futuristic vision that if ever comes true, will usher in the end of man.
I keep saying this, but all these sci fi films that are put out there ain’t just for show you know. They are all giving subliminal messages; that this is the future many people behind the scenes are working extremely hard to fulfil now.
The bible says that the antichrist will originally be a ‘man of peace’. I’m guessing in that time of our world he will be a very famous person with a strong position of power. He will probably do many great things and the world will feel like we’re all heading towards a good place because technology will be advancing at a very fast pace and big changes will be happening (singularityyyyy). Maybe even a great catasophre will happen on our Earth that will affect everyone, and he will be the one to usher us into a new era and because of this, we will all revere him. Who knows?
But the bible also says that he will die and when that happens we will mourn him. And after 3 days he will come back to life (this is when the quote from Rev 13:15 kicks in) and the whole world will worship his image because they will all marvel at his resurrection. 
This is when the A.I theory comes into the picture. Because the world that this will all take place will be a very technological advanced one (yes, I know our world is now, but I’m talking about an advanced society that we of today would not even be able to comprehend), one could say the Beast would probably be some kind of superhuman? 
The bible mentions that in order for people to buy or sell they have to receive the mark. Many people think that its happening now but think about it. If the government now said ‘hey guys, we have these chips that we want to implant in your skin to use as your credit card, passport and basically proof of your whole existence!’ would the world accept it? It wouldn’t because people would either see it as unethical, scary or just plain old stupid. It would be refused. I can only see people accepting that sort of thing if something really big happened, bigger than 9/11. So devastating that everybody, no matter who you were, was heavily affected by it. To the point where you’d just trust whatever the higher authorities say and accept chips being implanted into you. (police state)
Which is why I believe we would have to be living in a world where implanting artificial things into your body would be seen as normal, apart of everyday life. It would be a future where we can scan our wrists to enter places, open up our computers through our palms- you know, the kinda stuff we see in the movies. May seem weird and silly now, but  my point is that in that future time, it would be considered a normal thing of that generation. Which is another reason why I believe that the end will take place in a world where singularity has been reached and why I believe the image of the beast will be A.I.
And it will cause man to fall so hard because A.I will be a representation of mans evil and vain heart. The short film from the Animatrix called ‘the Second Renaissance’ highlighted this
In the beginning, there was man. And for a time, it was good. But humanity’s so-called civil societies soon fell victim to vanity and corruption. Then man made the machine in his own likeness. Thus did man become the architect of his own demise.
But anyways I babbled on for so long, I kind of even forgotten the point of this post, lol. I just wanted to get out my thoughts about this, coz its been at the back of my mind for so long I had forgotten, but something I read yesterday sparked it up again.
If anyone sees this, they see it. Remember its my own theory, so don’t be quick to dispute me. I don’t claim to be somebody who knows it all, nor am I an important person in this world. But if you do believe some of the things I mentioned, I leave you with this conclusion; don’t dwell on it too much, it isn’t healthy. I’ve always said that the Book of Revelation was written in a way thats extremely difficult to understand for a reason. We are not meant to fully understand it. Because if we were, God, who told John to write things as he saw them, would not have shown him those things in such a muddled up, confusing order. There were some things John saw and God specifically told him to not write them. There are so many hidden things in that book and not one person alive today and previously has been able to fully dissect it. I believe it has become easier because more and more prophecies have been fulfilled, but nobody will truly know the real meaning until the very end. God wants us to be aware that there will be an end to this world but He doesn’t want us to dwell on it. That should not be our main focus. Our main focus (well, God-believers) should be God Himself, our lives and how we live it, fulfilling our destiny/purpose on this Earth and looking forward to meeting the Father in the future.
Be aware and conscious by all means of whats happening around you but don’t get too deep into these things, it really isn’t good for the soul.

Machines: Server, Chris Cold.

Tuesday 10 September 2013


Do you want me to tell you the truth? Honestly? Really? Well, okay, here it is. The truth is.... You're not ugly. There, I said it.

I know many people who have the solid idea in their head that they're ugly think that my answer is complete and utter bullshit. But it isn't. Its just a plain and simple fact.

I won't lie, I am somebody who was prone to those kind of thoughts; I've had pretty low self esteem for years (and still do). Through these horrible and depressing thoughts, I began to realise that I actually am not ugly; people just don't understand my face.

Let me explain to you why when it comes to your looks, you aren't ugly. There are three categories of physical beauty which I have discovered. No matter who you are, you will fit into one.


Ahh, yes, the one that everybody wants to be. To be a conventional beauty means to be somebody that most people would find attractive. Most people would either praise your beauty, wish they could be with you or wish they were you. All because of your face, your appearance. The conventional beauty is so beautiful that if you were to ask a hundred people to rate them out of 10, at least 80-90% of them would rate the conventional beauty above a seven. This is because conventional beauties have a universal appeal. Not only that, but they fit the world standard of what is considered beautiful. They just have it that good.


The unconventional beauty has it sliiightly differently. They don't fit the world standard or what society deems as beautiful, but yet they are still considered pretty/handsome. Its usually to do with facial features. Though their features are oddly put together, they are somehow still.. Right. Though there are some people who may not understand their faces, there are a lot more people who actually do, and that is why they are still in way, favorable. Some people may even say they find a conventional beauty 'typical' and would much more prefer an unconventional one.

These days unconventional beauties are pretty much a big deal. Society is starting to appreciate what people like to call an 'alien beauty'. Something that is out of this world, uncommon, foreign-like. The fashion world hails these kind of faces and many models have become popular because of this (Daphne Groeneveld, Lara Stone and Shaun Ross to name a few).


The one you have being dying to know right? So you can compare yourself to see whether you are a misfit beauty or not?

The misfit beauty is a sad type of beauty because the misfit is misunderstood. They share similarities with the unconventional beauty in terms of having odd-like features, but the difference between the two is that most people fail to understand the misfit beauty. In peoples eyes, the misfit's face just doesn't make sense to them. It doesn't fit anywhere. It usually goes two ways for most misfits: either people find them somewhat beautiful or just downright ugly. But its sad because its usually the latter. And that just isn't fair.

But what I'm trying to say is that, if you are a misfit, stop viewing yourself as ugly. Its not that your'e ugly, its just that people don't understand the science (yes, science) of your face. They don't understand the unique and rare construction of your features. And because of this lack of understanding, they put you in the category of 'ugly'. But ugly in terms of physical beauty just doesn't exist. Its a man-made, false interpretation of the word.

Now I'm not going to lie to you and say that God (whether you believe in Him or not) didn't purposely make some people physically attractive than others - of course He did.

Genesis 39:6-7 : 6. Now Joseph was well-built and handsome, 7. and after a while his master’s wife took notice of Joseph and said, “Come to bed with me!”

LOL! Even the Bible acknowledges when somebody is physically attractive or not. 

But your beauty doesn't have to lay in your looks only. You could have a beautiful voice, or know how to make people laugh, or write poems beautifully. It could be anything, but one thing is for sure, it doesn't have to be your looks. Society just tells you that is does. But just because society tells you that, doesn't mean its true. 

The most important beauty that we should focus on is our inner man. This is something anybody can believe in, not only God believers. It applies to everyone. The bible gives us a clear definition on what beauty is:

1 Peter 3:3-4 3. Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. 4. Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight.

HA! Did you read that? Beauty isn't a physical thing, its an inner thing. A conventional person can be overwhelmingly pretty/handsome but their personality could be disgusting and foul. Because of that, they could be viewed as a very ugly person. That is what being ugly truly means. Its nothing to do with facial features, its an overall thing, an inner thing.

Society keeps telling us what beauty and ugliness is, but to be frank, they don't have a clue. Don't get me wrong, you can find somebody's physical appearance unattractive but ugly?? Because of how they look, really?? What an ignorant and shallow assumption.

So cheer up people and stop putting yourself down all the time. View yourself as unique, hard to interpret. Not ugly. Because ugly, in terms of physical appearance, just doesn't exist.

And so I leave you with a poem that I wrote a few years ago called 'Beauty' which thoroughly explains and digests the worlds interpretation of it, compared to the real meaning.

Beauty - poem 08.2011

Beauty is more than what the world perceives, but we were made to believe what we see on TV  Mankind failed when it tried to create perfect, tried to rebirth it, for an ungodly purpose. We were told that if you do your hair like this, put on your make up like that, you would be accepted into the popular crowd. If you ate less calories, tried the Atkins version of ‘dieting’, to the point of even starving, you wouldn't be labelled as a ‘fatty’. But I don’t believe beauty is what we all see, I believe it is the unique qualities of a human being. The way a person smiles, the twinkle in their eyes, the lovely words that may come out of their mouths. Its that rare moment as you look at a person who you wouldn't label as ‘conventional’, and realise the blessing that God has placed before you. As it clicks in your heart, and you're lost for words, you're so startled, you even wonder if this is even possible. Its not only the physical we should find appealing, as the personality is the the greatest quality of a person. So strong, so powerful, it could transform them into the unimaginable. Stop looking at the worlds definition of beautiful and turn to the Bible. ‘You are beautifully and wonderfully made..’, unlike the world that says a big bum, breasts, huge muscles, light European face, and that’s it, your saved. Wrong. I could go on and on about the faults of the world, but ill stop here, and let you think about it for yourself.